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A Comprehensive Guide To Realistic Animal Human Morphing

Transform Yourself into an Animal with Adobe Photoshop

A Comprehensive Guide to Realistic Animal-Human Morphing


Have you ever wondered what you would look like as an animal? With the power of Adobe Photoshop, you can transform yourself into any creature you desire. This tutorial will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to create a realistic animal-human portrait using Photoshop CC 2014.

Step 1: Preparing the Animal and Human Images

Start by selecting a high-quality image of the desired animal and a photo of yourself or another human. Make sure the images have similar lighting and angles to ensure a seamless blend.

Step 2: Isolating the Animal's Face

Use the Pen Tool to carefully trace around the animal's face, including the eyes, nose, and mouth. Once the selection is made, copy and paste the animal's face onto the human image.

Step 3: Aligning the Features

Adjust the size and rotation of the animal's face so that it aligns perfectly with the human's facial features. Use the Warp Tool to subtly warp the animal's face to match the contours of the human's face.

Step 4: Blending the Edges

Use the Refine Edge Brush Tool to blend the edges of the animal's face with the human's skin. This will create a smooth transition between the two images.

Step 5: Refining the Eyes

Give the eyes a more realistic appearance by adding catchlights and adjusting the color balance to match the human's eye color. Use the Liquify Tool to reshape the eyes if necessary.

Step 6: Adding Fur or Feathers

For furry animals, use the Brush Tool to paint in fur strokes. For feathered animals, use the Clone Stamp Tool to duplicate existing feathers. Adjust the opacity and blending modes to create a natural blend.

Step 7: Final Touches

Make any final adjustments to the color balance, contrast, and sharpness to enhance the realism of the portrait. Consider adding background elements or effects to complete the transformation.


By following these steps, you can master the art of animal-human morphing in Photoshop. Remember to practice and experiment with different techniques to achieve the desired results. With a little patience and creativity, you can create stunning and realistic images that will leave your audience amazed.
